HUMAIN was born from a question: how can we best address the needs of a community we had only visited for a week, and more importantly, how can we create a sustainable impact? During our week in the Dominican bateyes, we learned about the needs of the elderly sugarcane laborers, who as a result of their age or deteriorating health were no longer able to make a living for themselves by working on the sugarcane plantations. Since they are unable to work, these men lose their jobs, homes, and most importantly, lack a consistent and reliable source of food. This is where HUMAIN comes in.

Elena Alcerro
When Elena visited the bateyes, she was moved by the resolve of every person she met. She decided then that she would no longer be part of the system that makes their life so difficult, but instead decided to work to help them in any way she can. Elena now eats only fair trade sugar and hopes that through HUMAIN she will one day be able to improve the quality of life for sugarcane workers across the Dominican Republic.
Contact: elena@wearehumain.org

Jabari Gambrel
Being of Haitian descent, Jabari shares an intimate relationship with the island of Hispaniola and is passionate about human rights and conversations about marginalization throughout the world. He believes that in today’s rapidly globalizing social and economic environment, we all are responsible for creating conversations about “the forgotten” and fostering change. He currently studies Africana and Photography (Fine Arts) at Cornell University.
Contact: jabari@wearehumain.org